In the quaint town of Sevenoaks, nestled within the verdant landscape of Kent, a remarkable transformation unfolded in a client’s garden. SBI Ltd, a distinguished enterprise renowned for its impeccable workmanship, was entrusted with the task of crafting an enchanting outdoor space. As a result, a state-of-the-art Bioclimatic Pergola Louvered Roof was meticulously designed, constructed, and seamlessly integrated into the picturesque garden.
But this was no ordinary installation; the innovative project went above and beyond, incorporating Glass Sliding Doors and a robust Weather Shield Side fabricated from PVC Ship Lap cladding. This ingenious blend of elements culminated in the formation of an idyllic garden room, providing the homeowners with a sanctuary to relish in their outdoor haven.
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Key features and benefits  Bioclimatic Pergola Louvered Roof in Sevenoaks, Kent:

  • Adjustable Louvers: Allows for customizable sunlight and ventilation control
  • Durable Materials: Constructed with high-quality materials, designed to withstand various weather conditions
  • Stylish Design: Enhances the aesthetic appeal of any outdoor space
  • Energy Efficiency: Reduces energy consumption by regulating temperature and natural lighting
  • Low Maintenance: Requires minimal upkeep and is easy to clean
  • Versatility: Can be used for outdoor dining, entertaining, or relaxing, increasing the usability of your outdoor space.

Bioclimatic Pergola Louvered Roof in Sevenoaks, Kent Details:

Customer: Mr G Ward

Location: Sevenoaks, Kent

Bioclimatic Pergola Louvered Roof in Sevenoaks, Kent:

Founded in 1998, SBI Ltd stands as a testament to the power of family-run businesses that cherish time-honored principles. Throughout their journey, they have accumulated a loyal following of satisfied clients who laud their unwavering commitment to delivering top-quality branded products at accessible prices. Bolstered by a team of consummate professionals, the company’s expertise is further exemplified by their over 250 5-Star Google reviews.
Endorsed by the BBSA British Blinds and Shutters Association, SBI Ltd is the go-to destination for your Bioclimatic Pergola Louvered Roof needs. The company prides itself on offering comprehensive solutions, ensuring that they not only install but also maintain and service your investment in the years to come. Entrusting SBI Ltd with your outdoor vision means collaborating with a partner who refuses to settle for the “fit-and-forget” mentality, and instead, is dedicated to elevating your outdoor experience.

SBI Ltd (Sun Blinds Installations) has been trading since 1998 and is a full member of the BBSA British Blinds and Shutters Association.. We provide quality awnings, quick turnaround times and affordable prices!

We cover London, Home Counties, England and Wales.

SBI repair and replace many makes of Pergolas from leading manufacturers