SBI supplied and installed the Weinor Opal Lux Awning in Maidstone, Kent. Our customers wanted a top-quality-awning and after discussing the options with one of SBI’s experienced and dedicated team they decided on the Weinor Opal Lux Awning in Maidstone, Kent. The [...]
Categories: Awnings, Domestic, Kent, MaidstoneTags: Awning, Awnings, Domestic, Electric, Garden, Kent, LED Lighting, Made to measure, Maidstone, Modern, Motor, Patio, Remote control, Right Hand Motor, SBI, Supplied & Installed, Tempura 1.5kW Heating System, Weinor, Weinor Opal Lux, WeiTronic Aero-868 solar, WeiTronic Combio 868 HD 1.5kW, White Semi Gloss