Mrs Dalorto purchased an SBI Semi Cassette Awning with LED Arms: Bromley Kent. A problem of having a south-facing garden and large glass windows and doors is heat and glare.
Awning with Led Arms illuminates the patio at night, great for entertaining friends and family.
SBI specified the awning with Led Arms to provide shade from the sun and reduce glare. By pressing a button on the remote control she can open or close the awnings with ease. The same remote control also operates the LED lights in the arms.
Extending the awning with LED Arms will provide her with protection from the sun and rain.
Should wind speeds increase to a point where the awning could be damaged? An automatic wind sensor will close the awning to protect it.
Due to limited space to install the awning, we had to design 2 bespoke gutter brackets to fit the awning infront of the gutter and above the door.
Should there be a power cut the awnings have built-in manual overrides to close them. With over 200 commercial quality covers to choose from, they found the perfect colour for their home.
Testimonial: We are so pleased with the awning with LED Arms it looks fantastic at night with the lights on!
- Customer Mrs Dalorto
- Location Bromely, Kent BR2
- Specification 4m wide x 2.5m projection, plain grey cover, straight valance, framework colour white, remote control
- Extras 2 x Bespoke gutter brackets and timber cross member painted white
- Maintenance Optional annual awning servicing and chemical cleaning to help keep the awnings functioning safely and looking great