I really can’t speak highly enough of SBI Ltd. From 1st contact they were courteous, knowledgeable, informative and extremely helpful even though the Manual retractable Awning was purchased and supplied by another company VidaXL.

After the purchase of the VidaXL 2.5 x 3.5 retractable free standing awning we encountered assembly problems and confusion with parts which may not have been supplied.

After speaking to James and then the arrangement of Installation with Technicians Mark and John the Awning assembly was completed professionally and with a huge amount of reassurance of a job having been done well.

I have no doubt whatsoever other people will benefit by contacting SBI if they have similar assembly/installation problems. The quality of what they provide on their website speaks volumes too. Highly recommend.

Once again thank you SBI.
Kindest regards, Steve & Izzie x

Steve Searle, 5-Star Awning Review on Google
  • Reply to Awning Review from SBI Ltd – Hello Steve and Izzie, Thank you for the 5-Star Review.

    We were happy to have been able to assist you in completing the assembly and fine tuning your awning that looks great in your beautiful garden.
    We help lots of clients with DIY awnings as installing an awning can be a daunting task.

    The most important consideration is, has it been installed safely as awnings weigh a lot and have powerful sprung loaded arms.
    As the awning will be above you and your family it is worth knowing that it has been expertly installed as this gives you peace of mind.

    Mark and John said you were a pleasure to work for so thank you both and we look forward to seeing you in the future to help maintain and clean your awning.

    Kind regards from SBI Ltd (Sun Blinds Installations) team.
    Installing and maintaining awnings for over 25 years.